Forever Aloe Scrub

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Item# / 238

What is 'Forever Aloe Scrub'?

When you start using Forever Aloe Scrub®, it won’t take long for you to notice radiant, healthier-looking skin. The exfoliation process also clears the way for your skin’s own renewal process and prepares your skin for your favorite Forever moisturizer. Use Forever Aloe Scrub® two or three times a week on your body to reveal the kind of luminescence you just won’t find with any other exfoliator. This natural exfoliator has none of the drying or damaging effects of today’s synthetic cleansers.

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Forever Aloe Scrub

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Posted by Debby on 3/3/20

Forever Aloe ScrubGet it ! !

#Forever #FLP #foreverniceproducts #Foreveraloescrub

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